
In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often connotes a person of particular power or holiness. Sometimes, however, it is said that all living things (including humans) and all objects manifest such an aura. Often it is held to be perceptible, whether spontaneously or with practice: such perception is at times linked with the third eye of Indian spirituality.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning, "wheel." The human chakras are "wheel-like" vortices, or saucer-shaped depressions that exist on the surface of the etheric human body.
Chakras are energy centers. They function like receivers and transformers of the various forms of prana. Through the nadis, the chakras take in the vital energy and transform it into the frequencies needed by the various areas of the physical bodies for sustenance and development.


Meditation is a holistic discipline during which time the practitioner trains his or her mind in order to realize some benefit.
Meditation is generally a subjective, personal experience and most often done without any external involvement, except perhaps prayer beads  to count prayers. Meditation oftentimes involves invoking and cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to some focal point, etc. 

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people, because the EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess people’s behaviour, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service, and more.
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Mind Power

Someday you maybe not realize that everything happened to you is from your mind, from what you think of. Your body just follows order from the mind and the universe respond it with the same feedback which is positive or negative. When you do something positive, the universe will give you positive feedback as well. When you do something negative, the universe will also give negative feedback. The question is how you can do something positive if the orders had gone out of your mind is negative. Not possible right? In other words, the mind is the control body.
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Beyond Our Mind

Human has ability that sometimes we forget it. Some people called it inner power. This power is pure from human ability, not from "others" whereas some people said it is devil power. No, it is not. Remember when God create human, "then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being."

It is true that human be able to learn to use the power. We might ever heard about these words: prana, chi, manna, mind power, affirmation power, pranic healing, yoga, meditation, attunement power, etc. All these are based on human power. No matter how old you are, no matter men or women, all human has power since they're in his/her mother  pregnancy. Here i have some article that will explain  and describe and a little way to use human power. I do not want to discuss about religion, separate between religion and the knowledge of human power. All i can say is  bring your religion in your right hand and bring other knowledge in your left hand. Let them walk together with you as you  control both of them. As you are the master of your mind and body. I do not receive any discussion or debate. This is just  a little knowledge that you maybe need to know. 

Enjoy reading, enjoy practicing
