

Prana is vital energy or life energy that nourishes the life and health of the body. Prana is a Sanskrit term but this concept of vital energy is universal. In Japan it is called "ki", in China it is called "chi", in Polynesia it is called "mana", in Greece it is called "pneuma", in Hebrew it is called "ruah" and all of that means the breath of life. Prana can be obtained abundantly on this beloved earth and its sources include earth, air, sun and sea. Prana is a life energy for humans, animals, plants and other creatures.

      In fact, pranic energy flows naturally in our body, but most don't realize it. By practicing continuously by treating breathing, this pranic energy can be traced, raised or strengthened. Prana can be used or streamed throughout the members of our own body or other people we want to do healing, of course by surrendering before to the Almighty. The pranic energy to be transmitted can be directed by directing the mind so that it can be used also to diagnose, flowing / transferring pranic energy in sufficient quantities. By directing pranic energy with the mind, we can feel the healing process by feeling vibrations in the minor chakra in the hand.
       Prana can be strengthened by breathing exercises because breathing is the soul's rope. All living things can live because they breathe. Without breath, it's like a waste of useless waste. We must realize that there is pranic energy behind the breath. Prana is not a breath but the life force and institutions that underlie all living things including flowing in every chakra. In plain view it is very difficult to prove the existence of prana but we can feel and utilize its existence by processing breath. Prana flows along with the air we breathe. For those who are accustomed to breathing exercises, of course, they already know the benefits of breathing, including physical and mental health, can cure various diseases, can provide protection, safety, facilitate business and more. Regular breathing routinely will be able to open the main chakras without realizing it. Breathing has a potential effect on the mind because it can increase the amount of oxygen available in the brain so that the potential for health can continue to increase.
       Basically there are four main sources of prana namely prana of the sun, prana of the  air, prana of water and prana of the earth. Sun prana is from sunlight. This prana strengthens the whole body and forms a healthy body. Sun prana can be obtained by facing or sunbathing in the sun and drinking water that has been exposed to the sun but long or too much sun prana will harm the physical and non-physical / bio-plasmic bodies because of its strong energy.
Prana that is in the air is absorbed by the lungs through the respiratory process and is also absorbed directly by the energy centers of the bio-plasm body. The energy centers are called CAKRA. Prana air can be absorbed by treating breathing with a slow and deep rhythm. Prana of the air can also be absorbed through the skin's pores. This can be known to people who already know the absorption technique.
Prana of the water can be obtained from ocean energy, or drinking water that has been prayed for while Prana on the earth is absorbed through the soles of the feet. Groundless feet increase the amount of earth prana absorbed by the body. Prana can also be used to cure other people by being transferred. People who have excess prana tend to make people around them feel better and have a passion for life, but people who lack prana tend to absorb prana from others unconsciously. Characteristics sometimes we like feeling tired or exhausted when dealing with people who lack prana. Prana during the day is more than at night.

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