Papat Limo Pancer

Papat Limo Pancer

In Javanese philosophy there is a well-known term about virtual friends, namely sedulur papat limo pancer. If we ask an old Javanese person, then surely they can explain this term. When viewed in terms of language, "sedulur papat limo pancer" means four brothers and becomes 5 as the center. From the term, the concept of Java is a term that is so extraordinary and indicates that we have a brother that God has created.
Four brothers, are considered as a symbol of protection by protecting ourselves from the four corners of the wind direction. So one in the north, one in the south, one in the west, one in the east so that with four figures you can be your protector from various dangers. And the word 5 pancer, is our self as the center or as the controller of our four brothers.

There are some concept of this "papat limo pancer". The four brothers can be describe as four element: the air, the water, the fire, the earth. In other side it can be describe as four appetency (?).
There are two other brothers that involve of this things which called "kakang kawah" (amniotic fluid) and "adi ari ari"  (placenta). 

To be continued ( my internet suck)



Prana is vital energy or life energy that nourishes the life and health of the body. Prana is a Sanskrit term but this concept of vital energy is universal. In Japan it is called "ki", in China it is called "chi", in Polynesia it is called "mana", in Greece it is called "pneuma", in Hebrew it is called "ruah" and all of that means the breath of life. Prana can be obtained abundantly on this beloved earth and its sources include earth, air, sun and sea. Prana is a life energy for humans, animals, plants and other creatures.


In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often connotes a person of particular power or holiness. Sometimes, however, it is said that all living things (including humans) and all objects manifest such an aura. Often it is held to be perceptible, whether spontaneously or with practice: such perception is at times linked with the third eye of Indian spirituality.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning, "wheel." The human chakras are "wheel-like" vortices, or saucer-shaped depressions that exist on the surface of the etheric human body.
Chakras are energy centers. They function like receivers and transformers of the various forms of prana. Through the nadis, the chakras take in the vital energy and transform it into the frequencies needed by the various areas of the physical bodies for sustenance and development.


Meditation is a holistic discipline during which time the practitioner trains his or her mind in order to realize some benefit.
Meditation is generally a subjective, personal experience and most often done without any external involvement, except perhaps prayer beads  to count prayers. Meditation oftentimes involves invoking and cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to some focal point, etc. 

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people, because the EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess people’s behaviour, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service, and more.
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